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The FORWARD Kosciusko County Comprehensive Plan is an expression of the community's desire to be a strong community of welcoming, engaged people, businesses and organizations that continually work to improve the lives of our residents and the condition of our businesses, industries, destinations and natural assets.


To provide more specific guidance on how to reach that ultimate vision for the future, the plan provides a flexible guide for decision making and community action by providing goals and policy objectives as well as recommendations on development, growth, transportation and utilities for all areas of the County.


This page presents the Comprehensive Plan's draft materials which provide the framework for future planning recommendations, policies, and potential projects and actions. 


The materials provided below are all outcomes of the data analysis, public engagement and development planning scenario process. 




Goals and Objectives

Goals describe desired results toward which planning and implementation efforts should be directed. They are broad and long-range.  They represent an ambition to be sought and require the culmination of many smaller actions in order to be fully achieved. 

The goals for FORWARD Kosciusko County are broken down into five categories: People, Places, Systems, Destinations and Partnerships.


Objectives describe more specific actions that should be undertaken in order to advance toward the overall goals. They provide more precise and measurable guidelines for planning action.


The objectives for FORWARD Kosciusko County are provided for each goal. Specific responsibilities are outlined for key groups to assist in identifying future actions.

Future Land Use and Growth

The Future Land Use Plan presents a set of overarching strategies to guide development, growth, preservation and enhancement within the County. 


The plan takes into account a wide range of factors including existing land use patterns, projected growth, residential demand for housing (ownership and rent), infrastructure capacity and the desires and aspirations of local residents.


Future Transportation and Utilities

The Transportation and Utilities Plan focuses on improving and enhancing the transportation system to reduce inefficiencies in circulation, expanding and enhancing pedestrian and bicycle amenities with local communities.


The Transportation and Utilities Plan is based on an assessment of existing conditions as well as input received through community engagement activities. The plan is also directly related to the proposed land use and growth map shown here.


Future Pedestrian and Bicycle Connectivity

Pedestrian and bicycle connectivity was a common theme during our initial field visits, community workshops and development scenario process. 


The Future Connectivity Plan showcases how local sidewalks and trails can be leveraged to create cross-county connections that link communities to destinations.

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Construction Workers

Future Action Plans

The action plan provides implementation guidance by applying FORWARD Kosciusko’s county-vision, goals and policy objectives to both county-wide and local contexts.


The projects and initiatives included are efforts that county departments and local officials can execute within the roles and responsibilities of their current municipal structure, which provides a realistic framework for change.

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