Individual comment forms can be found below.
A key piece of the final FORWARD Kosciusko County Comprehensive Plan is the development of a county-wide future land use map. A future land use map serves as a visual representation of where the County intends for development, redevelopment and preservation to occur. When complete, the map and its land use designations will describe the desired types, intensity and arrangement of all future development. The future land use map will not regulate what kinds of uses are allowed on specific parcels.
Creating a future land use map, especially at both a local and county-wide scale, should take into account a variety of topics and priorities. The FORWARD Kosciusko County process is working to bring together most, if not all, of the elements of the comprehensive plan such as natural resources, economic development, housing and transportation.
Recently the FORWARD Kosciusko County team released four draft development scenarios for review and comment. On November 10, the scenarios were presented to the project steering committee, and on November 15 and November 17, the team presented the scenarios to the public during open houses held in Syracuse and Mentone.
The draft scenarios build upon suggestions provided during a two day land use and development workshop and provide differing growth scenarios for the County to consider. The scenario maps included below include a county-wide map showing proposed areas of development. Also included are heat maps showing concentrations of new housing and employment uses and three specific analysis charts comparing impacts to housing, infrastructure costs and loss of agriculture lands.
To gain additional input on the scenarios we encourage you to review the information provided below and provide your comments and questions using the linked survey forms.
Scenario One
This development scenario explores what development patterns would look like based on a property's current zoning and development regulations.
If an area of the map is not highlighted with a land use color, the development use is not anticipated to chance in the future.
Scenario Two
This development scenario explores what development patterns would look like based on current development trends (existing pattern, locations and speed).
If an area of the map is not highlighted with a land use color, the development use is not anticipated to chance in the future.
Scenario Three
This development scenario explores what development patterns would look like if development was focused into incorporated areas (Cities and Towns) in an effort to limit the impact on agricultural and natural areas.
If an area of the map is not highlighted with a land use color, the development use is not anticipated to chance in the future.